Human and Molecular Biology
German-French Bachelor & Master Degree Program

Master Program
General timeline of the program
The program consists of 1.5 to 2 years abroad and provides the opportunity to achieve a double Master of Science degree .
All classes and examinations are fully recognized by the partner universities.
The fully accredited program is supported by the Franco-German University (DFH / UFA).
Study Scheme
Starting in Strasbourg or Saarbrücken
The participants start their studies in their respective home university, where they spent the first year.
Subsequently the students transfer to the partner university to study the second year abroad including their experimental Master thesis.
Within the two years, the students meet regularly in the context of international / intercultural multi-day symposia to interact scientifically and socially.

Program Timeline
Start in France

Licence en Science

Year 1
French students
Meetings French & German students
Year 2
German students
Meetings French & German students
Year 1 = Semester 1 + 2
Year 2 = Semester 3 + 4
Start in Germany

Bachelor of Science

M1 (S1/S2)
German students
Meetings French & German students
M2 (S3/S4)
French students
Meetings French & German students
M1 = Semester 1 + 2
M2 = Semester 3 + 4
Program Contents
The classes in France concentrate on a profound theoretical education with continuous training in tutorials and exercises.
The courses in Germany focus on professional lab experience with corresponding lectures and seminars.
- M1 Neurosciences cellulaires et integratives
- M1 Biologie du developpement et cellules souches
- M1 Biologie et genetique moléculaire
- M1 Immunologie et inflammation
- M2 Neurosciences cellulaires et integratives
- M2 Biologie du developpement et cellules souches
- M2 Biologie et genetique moléculaire
- M2 Immunologie et inflammation
- ADV I – Tumor- & Epigenetik
- ADV II – Signalleitung & Transport
- ADV III – Hormone, Stress & Gedächtnis
- ADV IV – Infektionsbiologie
- Projektproposal
- Forschungsseminar
- vertiefendes Laborpraktikum
- Master-Arbeit
- Kolloquium zur Master-Arbeit